Wednesday, 29 July 2015

The Significance of Investments in Agriculture in Madhya Pradesh

Madhya Pradesh is located in heart of the India and there are many crops, which are produced in the state. Around 80% of population is agriculture dependent. In Madhya Pradesh (M.P.) not all farmers are rich; many farmers depend on natural rain for their crops. Many a times, they came across loss. Although, the crop production and management of the yield have been under tremendous research process.  Government is always looking to drastically improve the production, given the possibility of maximizing production from the same spread of land available for agriculture.

According to Dr. Rajesh Rajora, while considering the challenges of how to improve the agricultural productivity it is very important that, you choose treated soil, seeds and use organic manure to improve the crop production. The agricultural researches confirm that the production triangle is all about efficient management of soil, adequate application of growth hormones and proactive pest control measures.
Soil testing –
It is an important aspect of agriculture. During the crop production period, choose the soil, which is fertile and tested in laboratories. Soil testing makes sure that the seed will produce good seeds and will improve the crop production. It also saves soil from various pesticides and crops from various diseases.
Plant growth hormones -
The important aspect of how to improve agriculture productivity after the soil fertility is the enablement of excess growth by manipulating the artificial growth hormones. The use of auxins and gibberellins benefits the farmers in plant growth and increasing the size of fruits and vegetables. The growth hormones are naturally present in the plants and are responsible for their physiology, but the natural physiological process may be slow and will not effect in an excess agricultural yield.
Pest control and management -
The final aspect which has its great impact on the agricultural productivity is the effective management of pestilences. Pesticides stop the plants and fruits growth, so it is better to stop its growth and control it through various solutions available today. The pest control and management is an independent branch of science which has its vast implications in the agricultural productivity and management
Rajesh Rajora is an IAS officer of 1990 batch in Madhya Pradesh. He has aware many farmers in M.P. and guiding them to adopt new methods of crop production. He is currently Principal Secretary, Depts. of Agriculture, Horticulture and Food Processing, Government of Madhya Pradesh.

Thursday, 23 July 2015

Dr. Rajesh Rajora Views On Climate Change

In the decade, the problem of climate change has become the focus of a great deal of scientific community. Weather patterns, extinction of many species, and other significant global-scale events are directly correlated with climate change.

According to Dr. Rajesh Rajora, our atmosphere consists of gases that stop the heat from getting close to the surface of the earth. The water vapor with some small amounts carbon dioxide which is the layer of greenhouse gases, serve as the Earth's thermal blanket.

To understand the reasons of climate changes, it is important to understand paleo climatologists as well as the present conditions that influence the climate. Pollution is a major factor to climate change, including global warming, because of the emission of carbon dioxide.

These are possible reasons of climate change:
  • Earth’s temperature is a balancing act
  • The Greenhouse Effect causes the atmosphere to retain heat
  • Changes in the sun’s energy affect how much energy reaches Earth’s system
  • Changes in reflectivity affect how much energy enters Earth’s system
The main greenhouse gases include:
  • Water vapour
  • Carbon dioxide (CO2)
  • Methane
  • Nitrous oxide
  • Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
Climate change simply refers to the long and lasting changes in weather patterns. It is also referred to as the AGW or the anthropogenic global warming. The problem is that pollution from industrial factories, operating vehicles and other equipment that requires burning fossil fuels like oil, coal, and gas produces additional amounts of carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide along with methane, nitrous oxide, hydro fluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons and sulfur hexafluoride are known as greenhouse gases.
Rajesh Rajora is an IAS office of 1990 batch in Madhya Pradesh. He is currently Principal Secretary, Depts. of Agriculture, Horticulture and Food Processing, Government of Madhya Pradesh.